Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Monday 14 October 2024

Amazon spears, unit 2


Went to London for a few days, so this lot a bit delayed... not sure the Tiger shield blazon was a good idea...

Staying with simple tunics for these, in this case sky green.

I probably want to do at least one more unit of these. In the meantime I'm currently painting another archery unit.

Sunday 6 October 2024

Amazon Spears

Completed the first unit of spears. There is a second unit on the way, plus I'll be doing another archery unit.

Went for colourful shields on these - wish I'd been a bit more colourful when I did the cavalry!

Saturday 5 October 2024

Amazon spear/shield cavalry


First unit of Amazon spear/shield cavalry done.

I'll probably do another couple of units of these and another unit or so of horse archers.

Amazon army coming along nicely... still more work to do on them, but generally looking good!

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Amazon Scouts


First unit of Amazons from new mould finished - a light infantry scout unit. There's a freshly varnished javelin/shield cavalry unit waitingin the wings and the first spear unit has been undercoated.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Admins Warriors

Fair to say I've been overdoing Admins recently, so have decided this will be the last lot for now - need to get on with my S&S Amazons...

As I've now got both officer and halberdier on a mould, plus the recently discovered mounted Warrior, I thought it would be a good idea to do sections of  Militia/Palace Guards/City Guards suitable for both Alice and Dorothy projects. In the event, mainly because I want to spend time on Amazons, I finished up just doing a Dorothy section. 

Figures aren't itended to look like anything from the books or film, just to have an Emerald City 'feel' about them. So the balloon motif on the shield is a direct reference to the wizard.

The uniform had to be green of course. I haven't painted these figures in any detail - should probably have painted in the eyes for example.
Again, the balloon motif on the shield...

While the helmet crest paints up quite nicely to represent Dorothy. Bear in mind the crest is 6mm tall :)

Scale wise, these figures are about 30-32mm tall so a lot bigger than my 25mm Dorothy and Alice figures - I can live with that for a fantasy world!

Monday 23 September 2024

Giants and monsters


Finished the rest of my 'giants' type army... though still don't know how I'm going use it.

The Admins giants and trolls are generally a lot bigger than Garrison S&S; these AD17 Large Ogre are about the same size and fit in well with Garrison.

Open hands mean that I can put some variation in the figures. These are S&S Armoured Frost Giants.

While these are Frost Giants with mace. Not being open handed they are used 'as is'.

Other figures have been added, not all giants! - I have a load of the demons painted red for my demon army, for this lot I've gone for green!

Sunday 22 September 2024

Goblin Zombies

Gives me a nice little 'warband' - probably treat them as beasts rather than anything else.

Reassigned figure - thought it was a zombie with open arms until the 'real' zombie with open arms turned up. Now it's down as a Halfling zombie.

AD171 Goblin zombie with axe - in catalogue it has a sword as well... I've added Goblin to the code because... because.

AD172 Goblin zombie with club

AD173 Goblin zombie with open arms.

AD174 Goblin zombie with club
Think I'm certainly suffering Admins overload at the moment - still got some figures to paint, but the giants are finished as are the some of the 'monsters' that will go with them - should get them up tomorrow or so.