Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Monday 28 October 2024

SS57 Follower of Set

When you're casting figures you often have some figures you have no immediate use for. This lot were all put to one side to act as an addition to my various sects.

Normally I would paint them plain brown, white or (rarely and usually the elites) red. This lot I decided to make a bit more colourful.

Friday 25 October 2024

Mould update, 25th Oct...


First of all, painting quality... Not perfect, in my defence still some finishing touches to do. But then, at time of writing it is just 23 hours since the moulds were dropped off by postie...

Both cavalry figures have proved castable at the moment, but of the spear figures only the ones in reserve are OK - the others will need time.

Overall the two infantry figures are quite reasonable. The armour is just paint but looks good - I'll do a unit of this figure painted like this as my next task. I'm wondering whether I should treat the nude figure as a peltast on an open order  LMI base?

Of course I already have the original spear figures.

And the Scouts/Charioteers.

Which means that 'new' figures available are:

SSAC1 Cavalry with spear and shield

SSA2 Horse archer

SSA1 Amazon, in reserve, spear and shield, tunic (bird shield figure)

SSA2 Amazon, in reserve, spear and shield, tunic (deer shield figure)

SSA3 Amazon, in reserve, spear, shield, nude (tortoise/turtle shield)

SSA4 Amazon Scout/charioteer, spear

As a standard bearer, I use SS62, Slave girl with fan. For chariots, Sygian chariot SSS1 but specify crew as SSA4 and SS37 - or whatever! As an officer I use SS61, Amazon enchantress.

Note the codes for these are purely for convenience! 

Thursday 24 October 2024

Moulds RY137 and RY138


Quick turn around by Pete - moulds came back today!     Look good, need to wait a while for them to post cure - in the past I've allowed a month but I seem to have people wanting figures so might try test castings a lot quicker. Generally, a new mould is still a bit soft and compressable - some figures take a while before you can cast them easily. I'll post the initial casts of the Amazons later today or tomorrow...

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Amazon army update

 Figures for new mould have arrived with Pete Brown. Meanwhile I've done everything I intend to on the army until it comes back - unless... MOULD UPDATE! -Pete has also posted it today! (23/10)

It wasn't intended to be this big, but it's still too small for a 'proper' Review.

The figures have been diusplayed in single ranks rather than my usual double ranks. Makes the army look bigger.

Cavalry are very much prototypes... the horse archer is hopefully going to be supplemented by actual conversions and the spear/shield cavalry tidied up a bit. I expect to do a couple more squadrons of spear/shield cavalry and at least one other horse archer squadron.

General reviewing the troops as she passes behind Pegasus. Although there was only one Pegasus in 'real' mythology I'll probably do a herd.

Another lot I'll probably extend. It could be quite spectacular. 

One thing I thought of but didn't do was use the Enchantress riding a tiger as a cavalry officer. Might consider that in future.

Monday 21 October 2024

Second Amazon archers unit


Apart from another base of tigers I'm working on this is the last unit of the current tranche. Unless I decide to do a couple more chariots of course.

After these? At the very least another horse archer unit, two javelin cavalry units, at least one spear unit and doing a proper chariot force. I also keep thinking about a couple more pegasi figures. Possibly more archers.

At which point the Amazon army will be officially finished...

Friday 18 October 2024

More figures sent off for new moulds

 Picked up by postie today...

I'm still upgrading S&S moulds to be more production friendly - here, three different figures all use the same wings, so I've  put them all on one mould. Winged serpent, Hawkman and Griffin.

Meanwhile I'm continuing the Amazon figures. Went overboard with 4 spear variations so it meant I had to cut out better scout representation - though still OK for most purposes. I did add horse archers though, as well as improving the spear armed cavalry situation.

I had intended to go for three moulds to include a Byzantine infantry mould. Sadly, I wanted the Amazons done quickly while I still retain my enthusiasm for the army and didn't get the Byzantines sorted in time. 

Monday 14 October 2024

Amazon spears, unit 2


Went to London for a few days, so this lot a bit delayed... not sure the Tiger shield blazon was a good idea...

Staying with simple tunics for these, in this case sky green.

I probably want to do at least one more unit of these. In the meantime I'm currently painting another archery unit.