From Steven:
It’s been a while since I sent you any pictures
of figures. I took these before you gave me a lightbox for Christmas (thank
you), so I hope future photos will be better.
I’m part
way through a platoon of Panzer IVs but made a diversion to add three 2.8cm
antitank guns to my Panzergrenadier company. Since you asked to see how I do
the basing, I took photos during that process. Here’s the end result:
If you look closely, you’ll see there is
chipping and rust on the guns themselves. You may also spot that every single
crewman is a different figure. No repeats! The crew of the middle gun is
Battlefront, the rest are from Old Glory’s Command Decision range.
Old Glory are an odd one for me. The figures
are varied and include some interesting poses, such as the one bending over
clutching his ears. However, they are noticeably smaller than some other
manufacturer’s so mixing is difficult. I have a pile of tank commanders and LMG
gunners I can’t really use. The antitank gunners are an exception (maybe it is
less obvious because most of them are kneeling?) so I could use them here. I
like mixing compatible manufacturers, for variety and to support a wider range
of businesses.
The Battlefront crew are actually Afrika Korps
because 2.8cm guns are apparently really obscure and difficult to find individually,
and DAK were the only ones I could find. That’s OK; with an appropriate paint
job and strategic use of Green Stuff, they make decent SS. The Old Glory
figures are normal Wehrmacht.
1 Glue figures to base |
2 Add textured paint |
3 Drybrush the textured paint |
4 Add clumps of vegetation such as grass tufts
and flowers. Add stones and gravel and paint them. |
5 Add lichen to represent bushes. I often put it
around and between rocks |