Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Building up the Clibinarii


I seem to have slowed a bit with my painting recently. This lot have been sitting around for months...

I'm thinking this year could be Sassanids, Byzantines and Goths. At least, that's the current plan. The Sassanids have been limping along for quite a while so I hope they'll keep going...

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Byzantine infantry moulds

Continuing my upgrading of Garrison moulds I'm getting a load of (mainly) Byzantine figures together to send to Pete Brown.

B01 Front rank Skutatos (SHI), B10 Second rank Skutatos (HI) and B11 Peltast, as well as a load of spears and maces. 

B02 Infantry officer, BO3 Infantry standard bearer, B04 Armoured archer, B05 Light or medium archer, plus 1 each of B09 Camp servant with sling and B13 Slav LMI javelin shield - the last 2 needed so I can get production moulds made of them!

B06 Psilos light javelinman, B08 Varangian guard (SHI)with 2 handed axe, B12 Rus (HI) with spear and shield, and finally B14 Rus with axe and shield.

And finally a few Adventurers plus elvic archers.

One reason for doing this lot now is because I'm thinking of 2025 as the year to finish my Sassanids and also start a Byzantine army. But you all know me...

Saturday, 18 January 2025

A balsa Churchill

Back in the summer Steven was home for a few days so I went over carving/building tanks from balsa. Forgot to take photos of his :( . Originally I did this without cutting out the suspension.

However, recently had a go with a little pen engraver - crudely done and not what you would call accurate, but it does give an impression of being a Churchill.

Friday, 17 January 2025

Not quite the 3 Doctors

The '3 Doctors' arc of Dr Who included creatures 'made' by Omega called Gell Guards that attack U.N.I.T. Headquarters. Another use for the Sarissa Manor House...

In the original the Guard just kept popping up all over place - so having them walk up the path like this is my variation. 

The Crooked Dice 'not Dr Who' soldiers on gate duty lock the gates as they retreat firing - bullets have no effect on these things.

Again slight variation - I have them able to pass through solid objects rather than just teleporting all over the place.

More soldiers appear...

Even more soldiers appeared but bullets have no effect. The original Gell Guard used their claws as a gun firing explosive 'bullets'.

Direct hit from the bazooka ...

No effect... the TV one didn't work either...

So everyone retreats inside the HQ.

And the scenario ends as the Gell Guard all pass into the building.

Front view of my Gell Guard - I just did them orange as per the ones on the Black Tree site but they should really have been a rather deep red.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Munchkins painted. And Centauri. And the 'Industrial swamp scorn lovecraft monster'...

Next, need to do the villagers...

I like the way these turned out. They do have a 'cuteness' factor going for them.

Centauri very crude, but the swampy thing I'm quite pleased with. Could more of these or variations.

Friday, 10 January 2025

Medal update


Firstly, Sandra bought replica/replacement ribbons for the medals so they are now all correct. Now all she has to do is find out who the other ribbons belonged to...

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Palaeo Diet - Eat Or Be Eaten

Steven brought his cavemen and the Paleo Diet rules with him so we could 'playtest' the rules...

Can't call them games - more a case of 'Let's do this and see what happens'

The first 'What happens if' consisted of charging a mammoth. Mammoth 2, Cavemen 0.

Next one was a bunch of hominids trying to kill a cave bear while a bunch of cavemen tried to kill the hominids...

Messing about, Steven started setting up reaction tests to make the cave bear attack the hominids who were attacking the cave bear (I know what I mean :))

Then the situation changed a bit as I was able to have the cave bear attack the cave men... Problem: What do you do when your god is trying to kill you? Do you fight back? - didn't resolve that, time to stop...

Steven's comments:

Who'd have thought charging a mammoth would end badly.

I spend a lot time painting and very little time gaming, so it was good to get a couple of games in with my prehistorics. It was fun and the rules are set up for solo, cooperative or (as in our second game), oppositional games. The combat is simplistic (although there are aspects - hounds, archers, fire, which we didn't explore this time), but there is a lot of emphasis on reaction tests for the animals. There is a lot of potential for unintended consequences and general carnage. I look forward to trying this out more when I go home.

I see there are a couple of expansion rule sets, which I will definitely be getting. One is pulp, so expect Victorians vs Dinosaurs from me at some point in the future.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Gell Guards and Centauri


More attempts at sculpting. This lot are Gel Guards or Gell Guards from the Dr Who universe. Easy to make but doing all those balls of protoplasm took an age... The U.N.I.T. soldier is Crooked Dice 28mm.

And this one is Alpha Centauri from the episode The Curse of Peladon.

5th January the tree comes down and I can start painting some of them...

Friday, 3 January 2025

Burma Star etc - need help!

 My Father in Law served in Burma during the war. He always said he had sent his medals back - he really wasn't happy about Burma. Turns out he had actually given them to his sister and they eventually made their way to Sandra via her  brother Peter.Anyway, couple of the ribbons had detached so I did a search to see which medal went with which ribbon. Looks like a bit of mix and match on the internet - nothing seems to fit. So...

So, in order left to right, 'The Star', ?, 'The Burma Star.' Incidentally, that middle one - can't find this combination of medal and ribbon either! So is it right?

So calling the left one Blue and Red, right one Orange and Green.

So, question is: Can anyone tell me which medals go with which ribbons? Any help appreciated!