Re Aly's comment on paint conversions, I have a long history of this sort of thing. One of the figures I produced/converted early on after getting Garrison was a 'universal archer'...
So here they are in 2007 from my Egyptian army... |
The middle Egyptian/Kushite figure is how I originally made it - for others, just snapped off the feather, though later had a mould made without the feather. Persian, Kushite and Egyptian armies, 2007... |
Lousy photo from 2014. Assyrian heavy archer, 2nd rank original Garrison 20mm, others conversions of the 20mm Assyrian slinger. Instead of using Rose shields I already had I bought a couple of boxes of HaTT Assyrians and used the shields from there. Standard is from the 25mm Assyrian range, officer's swords just hammered flat spears. |
Incidentally, the base figure itself is a real Frankenstein's monster. Torso is a Nubian spearman, below the waist was from a cavalry figure, think the bow arm was from the Greek archer, base from some figure or other and quiver from the weapons box.