Ok, putting together Seaport - looks worse than it is at the moment....
Whole board is a bit of a mess. Doesn't help that I've pushed the whole town back to give me space for the steps. Plus the tide has come in a bit.
Bought a few cheap pieces off ebay, some of which can be used in the working area of the port. Got some other buildings from Anyscalemodels as well but they're embargoed - I designated them as 'birthday present' and that isn't until 1st May. Which was when I expected the rest of the place to be ready...
However... same seller that sold those buildings also sold this lot. Masses of doors and windows.
Turned the package over 'cos it adds to the overall impression.
Right, here's the pitch:
You can get lots of furniture, etc, on the internet. Even complete house or shop fittngs - Langley do a fantastic range of shop fittings in 1/76th scale for around a tenner, likewise Frontline do various 25/28mm lab fittings. You can buy lots of dungeon systems, or houses where you can take the roof off to fit figures inside....
What you can't get are rooms...
For a horror pulp scenario, mad scientist's lab. Everything takes place in the lab. You don't want a whole building, you don't want a load of corridors. You want the lab. Ideally with removeable walls so you can move figures around easily and take photos of the thing.
And yet it's so easy to do.
Drawings show the method.
One of my very (very) rough proof of concept models. Note the card acting as a skirting board/stop on the back wall. Doors and windows to be added as appropriate!
And here I've done it as 3 different walls - the method allows all four walls to be made for a room while allowing easy access for photography of just moving figures around.
Incidentally, I can see something of this type being commecially viable. A set consisting of a floor tile and four walls, extra wall tiles or floor shapes being available. Wall tiles could even include things like intgral cupboards/shelves as well as doors and windows! Resin models. The paper clip method is obviously only one possible way of doing this.