Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday 25 April 2023

Salute 2023

 Between Salute, watching the Marathon, travelling to and from London plus across London think I overdid it - non stop coughing fit for a lot of Monday, very little sleep Monday night and just starting to recover!

Steven and I played a game based on He Man and the Masters of the Universe. It played out to a draw but wasn't really one we liked.

We both stocked up on cheap brushes - well, you don't always want high quality brushes, sometimes the cheap ones do the job.

The brushes and this little book were paid for by Steven and Sarah as a birthday present. I'd never gotten round to buy a copy of Little Wars and this version was nice and colourful.

The book also included a load of cutout figures to use with the game - very colourful but I think I've got enough 3D metal figures to not need these!

Couldn't resist this. Haven't got round to reading it yet!

That's it as far as purchases go. However, one other 'event' happened at Salute - a sort of unofficial bloggers meet organised by Bob Cordery that included a photo of the bloggers present. Including yours truly. Pictures of both Salute and the bloggers can be found on his blog, Wargaming Miscellany


  1. Hope you are recovered now and it was worth the trip - you made some good purchases, anyway! It was great to meet you and chat at the blogger's get-together, a very interesting conversation!

    1. Yes, it was good to meet everyone. As for me, I think the main problem is that I tend to forget I'm still ill and it reminds me!
