It has been reported on Facebook and TMP that Duncan has sadly passed away:
I don't actually have a photo of Duncan that I've taken - he hated having his photo taken - but found this one by Wargames Development on the Internet:

Duncan is the one in the black tee shirt. This is the only picture that came up on a Google search!
Best known as a magazine owner and editor (Miniature Wargames and Wargames Illustrated). Many people will remember him going around Partizan every year taking pictures!
I honestly don't know how long I've known him - early 80s? late 70s?. Always got on well with him. The rest of this consists of possibly faulty memory!
OK, couple of stories: Garrison used to own a range of 25mm starship figures that looked a bit like Star Wars. Duncan bought the range, did nothing with them and all the moulds and masters were lost. People started asking me about about them, I asked Duncan if I could produce them, immediate ''Yes, I'm not going to do anything with them'. Next one, at Partizan one year talking about figures, Duncan mentioned they still had a load of the current free entrance figure left, said 'here' and promptly gave me a load! - it was the policeman figure, really need to paint some up for Newhaven!
I remember there was a time when there was supposed to be a feud between Miniature Wargames and Wargames Illustrated. Talking about it to Duncan he just shook his head and said that he still had a half share in Miniature Wargames, why would he have a feud with himself?
Never had anything published by Duncan, though quite a bit in Miniature Warmames after he left, however I did get a three article series accepted by him - for two years it kept getting pushed out 'can't fit them in, they will get published' - finally I just basically said best to withdraw them, which I did and placed them in Slingshot. Duncan just shook his head, mentioned the difference in circulation figures , and said 'I was going to publish them!'
So a sad loss to the hobby. Duncan will really be missed.