Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Gell Guards and Centauri


More attempts at sculpting. This lot are Gel Guards or Gell Guards from the Dr Who universe. Easy to make but doing all those balls of protoplasm took an age... The U.N.I.T. soldier is Crooked Dice 28mm.

And this one is Alpha Centauri from the episode The Curse of Peladon.

5th January the tree comes down and I can start painting some of them...

Friday, 3 January 2025

Burma Star etc - need help!

 My Father in Law served in Burma during the war. He always said he had sent his medals back - he really wasn't happy about Burma. Turns out he had actually given them to his sister and they eventually made their way to Sandra via her  brother Peter.Anyway, couple of the ribbons had detached so I did a search to see which medal went with which ribbon. Looks like a bit of mix and match on the internet - nothing seems to fit. So...

So, in order left to right, 'The Star', ?, 'The Burma Star.' Incidentally, that middle one - can't find this combination of medal and ribbon either! So is it right?

So calling the left one Blue and Red, right one Orange and Green.

So, question is: Can anyone tell me which medals go with which ribbons? Any help appreciated!