Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Saturday 21 September 2024

A fantasy tower

Perhaps just a bad infection of fantasy, but saw this tower and couldn't resist. It's made by QP3DWARGAMES.  

The tower has two main parts and there is some internal detail  (ie badly overscale ladders) 

View from a bove. The hole in the roof of the front entrance is so the door can be fitted to be opened and closed. I'm just going to glue it shut.

Actually I found the door itself slightly disappointing, but overall it's a good model. I bought it off Amazon; have to admit I was a bit peeved when I later went on their website and found it was cheaper there...


  1. That is a really nice building and should look great on the table when it's painted up.

    1. Should act as a good centre for scenarios involving all those Admins figures, hopefully it doesn't lead to too big a spending spree on fantasy buildings.
