Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Friday 6 September 2024

Giants and skeletons


Doing lots of things at the moment, giants to put together a giants army for HoTT, assorted beastmen and skeletons plus a few that are just for my own records and Lost Minis Wiki. 

This pretty much covers the skeleton range including two different standard bearers and two different spearmen. Haven't done the individual figures yet. Chances are this lot will be used as Hordes.

There are three figures of Beastmen in the AD Range but the one armed with an axe isn't on the mould it's supposed to be on. The rank and file figure is open handed and can be used with a choice of weapons - the ones I found most useful are (weirdly) from the Warman range. 

Three giants, the middle one being a conversion of the winged demon with flaming sword.

Water spirit and fire  spirit, plus a nymph painted as a water spirit flitting about on land.

Assorted trolls and goblins. Again, open handed figures. The strange one in front looks like demented goblin with two stick grenades. It isn't identified on the mould  and I can't find a 'space' where it fits on any of the Admins Ranges.

And finally a yeti and goblin werewolf. I wasn't sure whether I should paint the werewolf green, decided against. It does have a right ear, honest. It's just not in the view of the camera...

So next thing will be painting assorted zombies and things, then probably some Amazon archers before I cast some figures from the new mould.


  1. Been busy, I like the skeletons they will look good as a horde, the Beastmen are fun too. Good to see these figures painted up.

    1. Both beastmen and skeletons make a good basis for an army rather than as one offs.

  2. The yeti looks like he’s wearing a onesie 😂. Adam was ahead of his time.

  3. These are great fun - whether it's the figures or your painting, they seem to have something of a humourous side, and make me smile. I'm no fantasy gamer but there seems to be rather a 'serious' ( gothic, gloomy? ) side to many of the modern figures - these are much more fun!

    1. They're cartoon style figures so I treat them as cartoon style figures...
