Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Friday, 17 January 2025

Not quite the 3 Doctors

The '3 Doctors' arc of Dr Who included creatures 'made' by Omega called Gell Guards that attack U.N.I.T. Headquarters. Another use for the Sarissa Manor House...

In the original the Guard just kept popping up all over place - so having them walk up the path like this is my variation. 

The Crooked Dice 'not Dr Who' soldiers on gate duty lock the gates as they retreat firing - bullets have no effect on these things.

Again slight variation - I have them able to pass through solid objects rather than just teleporting all over the place.

More soldiers appear...

Even more soldiers appeared but bullets have no effect. The original Gell Guard used their claws as a gun firing explosive 'bullets'.

Direct hit from the bazooka ...

No effect... the TV one didn't work either...

So everyone retreats inside the HQ.

And the scenario ends as the Gell Guard all pass into the building.

Front view of my Gell Guard - I just did them orange as per the ones on the Black Tree site but they should really have been a rather deep red.


  1. A great little scenario Rob...the figures and building look fantastic!

    1. The Manor House is easily the most used and veratile building I've got. The scenario is 90% an actual Dr Who scene, so can't claim credit.

  2. The Gel Guards look great on the table, they work really well and the Mansion House is a cracker, great model.

    1. Thank you. Yes, they work well and that building gets used for so much!

  3. Looks like good fun and yes that Manor house is a cracker! I have recently sidetracked and bought some Elizabethan figures and am mulling over buying one.
