Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Palaeo Diet - Eat Or Be Eaten

Steven brought his cavemen and the Paleo Diet rules with him so we could 'playtest' the rules...

Can't call them games - more a case of 'Let's do this and see what happens'

The first 'What happens if' consisted of charging a mammoth. Mammoth 2, Cavemen 0.

Next one was a bunch of hominids trying to kill a cave bear while a bunch of cavemen tried to kill the hominids...

Messing about, Steven started setting up reaction tests to make the cave bear attack the hominids who were attacking the cave bear (I know what I mean :))

Then the situation changed a bit as I was able to have the cave bear attack the cave men... Problem: What do you do when your god is trying to kill you? Do you fight back? - didn't resolve that, time to stop...

Steven's comments:

Who'd have thought charging a mammoth would end badly.

I spend a lot time painting and very little time gaming, so it was good to get a couple of games in with my prehistorics. It was fun and the rules are set up for solo, cooperative or (as in our second game), oppositional games. The combat is simplistic (although there are aspects - hounds, archers, fire, which we didn't explore this time), but there is a lot of emphasis on reaction tests for the animals. There is a lot of potential for unintended consequences and general carnage. I look forward to trying this out more when I go home.

I see there are a couple of expansion rule sets, which I will definitely be getting. One is pulp, so expect Victorians vs Dinosaurs from me at some point in the future.


  1. Looks a fun game and the figures look great.

  2. Nice stuff and the Pulp expansion sounds interesting.....

  3. Looks like terrific fun!
