Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Garrison Byzantines

This lot have now been added to the Pages menu: and


Monday, 24 February 2025

7 Years War Prussian artillery

 In a bit of a messy period re periods and painting. I've got the Byzantine moulds back so should be getting on with then, meanwhile sidetracked by the 7 Years War...

Prussian gun crew, very much basic wargames standard!

There are four artillery figures for each of the powers.

I'm thinking of doing small armies of four nations - Austria, Prussia, Britain and France. Garrison don't do Russians and I probably won't do  a Hanoverian army. The Austrian one will be done last because I already have an Austrian army that I bought on ebay - very low chance of doing another...

One thing I will be looking at is very small armies - 3 12 man infantry units, 2 6 man cavalry squadrons and 1 gun crew with a choice of 3 guns!

Monday, 17 February 2025

SKT 35mm AWI Figures

Tucked away on a mould is this useful but mediocre range of 35mm AWI artillery pieces - though more useful as 25/28mm ECW or 7YW  guns. With plain wheels I've also used them as Victorian era Chinese.

ART1, 18lb field gun

ART2, 12lb field gun

ART3, Howitzer

ART4, 2 Horse limber

There's no horse associated with these guns, but I would be happy using them with something like the Sung cart horse for 25/28mm.

This is how I know they are meant to be 35mm guns! These figures appear on the same mould as the guns but are unlisted and undocumented!

So no codes availanle. There is a mould with the barrel on.

Interestingly the artillery figures use figures with plain wheels rather than reinforced rims.

Finally 3 unlisted AWI infantry!

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Playing with mould list/internal catalogue.

This started off as starting to get pictures together when Lost Minis Wiki started updating to include historical ranges. That's got me taking loads of photos and now I'm extending it to play around with my paper storage systems - which will take a while, I know!

Mostly it's taking a screenshot of the pages in Documents - this is a screenshot of the Sung. I'm also updating the file names so they can appear on the screenshot.

This is the Sassanid list with mould list added. On the printout you can just about read descriptions on the pictures...

Anyway, still working out what's best.  It's similar what I've already done with the S&S and Admins ranges though there the ranges are bigger and the mould lists aren't on the same pages as the pictures.

As I said, playing.

Monday, 10 February 2025

The Watch


Looking at SS80, High Elf Spearman, I always thought it would make a good figure for a Terry Pratchett style Watch figure. So I've painted a few up as such...

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Building up the Clibinarii


I seem to have slowed a bit with my painting recently. This lot have been sitting around for months...

I'm thinking this year could be Sassanids, Byzantines and Goths. At least, that's the current plan. The Sassanids have been limping along for quite a while so I hope they'll keep going...

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Byzantine infantry moulds

Continuing my upgrading of Garrison moulds I'm getting a load of (mainly) Byzantine figures together to send to Pete Brown.

B01 Front rank Skutatos (SHI), B10 Second rank Skutatos (HI) and B11 Peltast, as well as a load of spears and maces. 

B02 Infantry officer, BO3 Infantry standard bearer, B04 Armoured archer, B05 Light or medium archer, plus 1 each of B09 Camp servant with sling and B13 Slav LMI javelin shield - the last 2 needed so I can get production moulds made of them!

B06 Psilos light javelinman, B08 Varangian guard (SHI)with 2 handed axe, B12 Rus (HI) with spear and shield, and finally B14 Rus with axe and shield.

And finally a few Adventurers plus elvic archers.

One reason for doing this lot now is because I'm thinking of 2025 as the year to finish my Sassanids and also start a Byzantine army. But you all know me...