Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Byzantine infantry moulds

Continuing my upgrading of Garrison moulds I'm getting a load of (mainly) Byzantine figures together to send to Pete Brown.

B01 Front rank Skutatos (SHI), B10 Second rank Skutatos (HI) and B11 Peltast, as well as a load of spears and maces. 

B02 Infantry officer, BO3 Infantry standard bearer, B04 Armoured archer, B05 Light or medium archer, plus 1 each of B09 Camp servant with sling and B13 Slav LMI javelin shield - the last 2 needed so I can get production moulds made of them!

B06 Psilos light javelinman, B08 Varangian guard (SHI)with 2 handed axe, B12 Rus (HI) with spear and shield, and finally B14 Rus with axe and shield.

And finally a few Adventurers plus elvic archers.

One reason for doing this lot now is because I'm thinking of 2025 as the year to finish my Sassanids and also start a Byzantine army. But you all know me...


  1. A fair few figures there for your project and some very nice looking ones too. Busy times!

    1. It helps to sort out the next few months if I don't get distracted!

  2. Very nice figures. If I hadn’t just finished (?) a 15mm Byzantine army, I’d be tempted. Will we be seeing cavalry?

    1. They're not new figures, just new moulds. So generally just consolidating and upgrading to make life easier - the moulds I've had made are generally a lot more convenient than the 'originals'.

  3. Byzantine hmmmm very nice and that Varangian chap is a cracker!

  4. I had those back in the day. Very nice figures.

    1. They are - I certainly like them. Fact is, don't know why I've left it so late to think about doing an army.

  5. Fantastic to see yet another army in the making - looking forward to seeing these ;)

  6. Those Byzantines look really nice, esp the Rus and Varangians.
