Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

20mm Prussian Napoleonic army

Partly because I'm still finding it difficult to motivate myself painting the 7YW figures I thought I'd look at some of the early Garrison Napoleonic figures I did about 5 years ago.

Starting with the Prussians...

Prussian artillery. The guns are Rose French Napoleonic guns, the crew are simply Prussian heads put on French bodies.

The command stand officer is another conversion - slightly modified Austrian officer.

Pretty much a generic regiment, possibly Pomeranian. 1st Generation PN8, Line infantrymarching. 

Landwehr, officer and standard bearer are conversions.

The main unit consists of PN12, Landwehr marching

This lot seem to be Russian cuirassiers mounted on Prussian horses. They paint up quite well as Prussian cuirassiers. I don't think this figure was ever issued.

It also works well as Prussian Dragoons.

Prussian Hussars, simple head swap with a Prussian head on a ? hussar - can't remember what!

General of unknown nationality - don't have it in any catalogues but it's quite useful as generals and senior offices. Which is why I painted a few up.

If I ever got round to it, must paint up some Guard figures.


  1. Very nice Rob…
    I do like those early Garrison figures…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you. I didn't really do any proper reviews of these when I first did them.

  2. Very nice Prussians, simple conversions and paint jobs turn out some great looking figures.

  3. Nice looking army! I think the mounted officer figure could stand for Gneisenau, or maybe one of the Waterloo Campaign Corps Commanders.

    1. Basically he's standing for the general of all the armies - just paint the coat a different colour!
