Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Saturday, 15 March 2025

7 Years War infantry


I'm pretty much treating this army as a glorified DBX unit with 12 figures per infantry unit, 6 figures per cavalry unit - the cavalry representing 2 squadrons in the WRG Wargames Rules 1685-1845.

My complete army so far is one infantry regiment and 3 guns, a limber and 1 gun crew. By putting the crews on individual bases I don't need crews for every gun!

I'm also painting up a unit of cuirassiers - must remember that the trumpeter doesn't have a cuirass...

Naturally my main reference, including copying the flag, is the Greenwood & Ball 1st edition of Uniforms of the Seven Years War. (Well, the book was included with Garrison...) A second, slightly extended, version is available from 18th Century Press. I should note I have no connection with these other than letting them use materials I hold copyright for! When I come to do a Dragoon unit I'll be using a British drummer figure as the book says the Dragoons used drummers ):


  1. Great stuff, I have a load of these figures, some done and some still to be done, lovely figures. The book is a goodie too, I have a copy in my collection.

    1. I like the figures, just can't really get into painting them for some reason.

  2. Nice figures- very tempting. I found a copy of the G&B booklet about a year ago.

    1. The series is quite useful. Haven't got the Russian one - that's all theirs and Garrison don't make Russians anyway.

  3. These are reasonable looking figures for "old school" of this vintage! Yes, dragoons all had drummers at this time; they were, historically, mounted infantry although they tended to forget that as the years passed into the 19th century!
