The University was in a bad way after the Terror. Many of the faculty and students dead, others left for new 'challenges'... the parent site in Arkham sent a few of its' faculty to Newhaven to see what could be saved.
Enter Dr Carmody. His main interest was finding the works of an ancestor, a famous occultist and noted explorer, whose collection was rumoured to be in Newhaven.
The attic of the main building held many treasures...
Including the bound notebook of his ancestor!
The notes were in code... but it was the family code! Carmody had no problems there!
But some of the writings... references to the bible and other religious works woven in amongst tales of forgotten cities... of Kadesh in the Cold Wastes and of a city on the frozen continent of Antarctica! Further, the text gave the location of the lost city...
Carmody lost no time. He gained the support and finances to mount an expedition...
Note: The book is pretty much genuine. I like old books and one day bought a box of the things at an auction... Titled 'Notes on the Old Testament', signed Edmund Kell, 1821, York...