Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Admins Warriors

Fair to say I've been overdoing Admins recently, so have decided this will be the last lot for now - need to get on with my S&S Amazons...

As I've now got both officer and halberdier on a mould, plus the recently discovered mounted Warrior, I thought it would be a good idea to do sections of  Militia/Palace Guards/City Guards suitable for both Alice and Dorothy projects. In the event, mainly because I want to spend time on Amazons, I finished up just doing a Dorothy section. 

Figures aren't itended to look like anything from the books or film, just to have an Emerald City 'feel' about them. So the balloon motif on the shield is a direct reference to the wizard.

The uniform had to be green of course. I haven't painted these figures in any detail - should probably have painted in the eyes for example.
Again, the balloon motif on the shield...

While the helmet crest paints up quite nicely to represent Dorothy. Bear in mind the crest is 6mm tall :)

Scale wise, these figures are about 30-32mm tall so a lot bigger than my 25mm Dorothy and Alice figures - I can live with that for a fantasy world!