Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Friday, 25 March 2022

Had a few days away

 4 nights in London followed by 4 in Brighton. Included a visit to see Steven and Sarah - yes, his figures do look better than the photos! He has finished some more of his figures and I hope to get them sorted tomorrow.


Normally try and pick up something on my travels. This time just got a couple of Airfix poly tanks, a Centurion and Patton. They were part of a batch of toy soldiers for sale at £4.50, I said I didn't want the lot but offered a pound each for the 2 tanks... offer accepted! No idea what I'm going to do with them of course.


  1. Great looking tanks…
    I remember having quite a few of these when I was a youngster…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Got a few lying around, including several Shermans that still have their boxes.

  2. Yes I remember these too....although my big collection was the soft plastic Tigers that came out later....they were so cheap even a ten year old relying on pocket money could afford several at a time...I think I probably had twenty of the things!

    1. Cheap, easy to make (:)), mostly did the job!
