Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Monday, 30 December 2024

Building up January's painting pile


Firstly, I now have a 10 Munchkin section of the Mulitia including officer and standard bearer. Haven't the faintest idea what colour scheme their 'uniform' should be. I'll probably start trying to do some villagers next.

Three mock turtles - still very much experimenting with these.

Terror bird and a couple of dodos. Birds seem to be quite easy and there's plenty of mileage left in this area.

I like this one - only one that is Lovecraftian, certainly not the last. Googled 'Lovecraft monsters' and this one came up. Looks pretty good to me!

These have all now been undercoated so I can start work painting them when the tree comes down.


  1. Plenty to keep you buy for the start of the new year. Mock turtles have the good "Alice" look to them.

    1. I'm trying to keep with the Dorothy/Alice theme as well contunuing Lovecraft.

  2. Looking forward to paint on these.
    Alan Tradgardland
