Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Munch Kin Munks and Mulitia (etc)

So continuing with the sculpting... still very crude, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Think.

The Munch Kin - descendants of intrepid explorers from the land of Munch, these kin of the Munch foundered settlements along the river they named the Munch. Sadly lacking in imagination they gave these settlements names like Munch City, Munch Town and Munchville. These were my first attempts - I'm still considering paint schemes. Probably my biggest issue is doing hands. I might be looking at using hands from other figures. 

A small 'army' called the Mulitia have the job of protecting these  settlements from attack.

I'm also having a go at doing some smaller Alice type figures - here, a turtle and dodo. Once this lot are painted in the New Year I hope they will look better.

From Steven's post, I thought I'd have an attempt at PacMan - Steven will be visiting for a few days over the New Year, so he might make a better attempt.

That's really it until the New Year - won't be having much time to do anything wargames related for the next couple of weeks. Once I've stopped 'playing' with these I'll probably start using some of the other Garrison resources for figures - dollies, hands, heads, etc. That's for 2025.


  1. They look fine, be interesting to see them painted up and be interested in seeing how things go with using the Garrison bit and bobs, will have to wait until 2025 so all the best for the forth coming festivities and hope you have a super time.

    1. And to you. This is a project with a lot more life in it.
