And Jacklex officers!
It's pretty much experiment/play time again. Or still experiment/play time. This time I'm looking at how to fit the Rose 20mm Zulu Wars range into the alternate pulp world with an extended/totally anachronistic timeline - you know, a world where 1879 fit quite nicely with 1930?
Now I'm trying some painted as more-or-less Zulu War but with black painted helmets. Question was, do they stand up as Home Service helmets in that scale. Plus query do I use Prussian Blue or Dark Prussian Blue for trousers? And why did I do 10 figure sections instead of 16? OK, 16 takes longer...
I did facings in 3 different colours. Reason? Can then call them as different regiments if I treat a 10 figure unit as a battalion. Of course, I didn't think that if I made them 16 figure units then it would fit in with a 4 element DBX unit! On the other hand,use them as 8 figure sections, then 3 sections would fit for a 24 figure/6 element battalion.
So units are 1 officer (Jacklex, no need to do head swaps!), 8 riflemen and loading figure as an NCO. Can't claim credit for that basic idea - pinched it (thanks Charles - and yours are painted a lot better than mine!)
So the idea is to see if these figures will do as alternate universe/pulp marines or infantry for a number of nations, including French and Germans. Key words are 'will do'. The pith helmet is not really a good home services help except at a distance and with poor eyesight - but 'will do'. Alternat universe, alternate design. Hopefully, I can also 'integrate' them (with support from Jacklex figures) into my 1897 universe as well!
'Colour' is another issue. Every picture I look at has a different colour blue for British and French infantry! Some are very dark, almost black like French Napoleonic tunics. Others are more of a mid blue. OK, 20mm different to real life, the French especially were trying out different uniforms at that time anyway. I've never really been happy with British trouser colours - again, feel I should do them darker rather than lighter! So eventually I'll go with what I think looks better!