Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Likewise, still working on moulds....

Sent off another 4 moulds to Pete Brown so he can cast some of the figures. Some are not to be made into new moulds - I've sent the dragons mould to have a couple of dragons cast - Steven was asking about Garrison dragons and I would like to have one for myself. Others include a Burgundian RS Range mould - I'd like to get them sorted a bit better. Mainly because I admit I would like a Burgundian army myself!

Monday, 30 January 2023

An eclectic mix of figures


Still going through the Admins Ranges...

SH23 SAS Trooper running with AK47 - in the SH Range but not assigned a new AR code.

SH16 Cyborg - again, not yet reassigned to the AR Range. Like SH23 I still haven't sorted a paint scheme I'm happy with.

DA02, Assassin with dagger.

AD148 Dark Goblin Ninja with Nanato. No idea what a Nanato is, assume it's meant to be a Naruto? Naruto basically means sword.

AD158 Female vampire - this will be on one of the new moulds and I think I'll try a couple of different colour schemes for it.

AD170 Skeleton mummy. I think that this one should be suitable for a few conversions.

AD211, Large flesh golem. Always liked this figure - has a certain style. I've always thought it should have been included in the Victorian Range.

AD154 Howling Banshee (in ragged clothes). This is the second one I've painted - always felt that Banshees should go around in covens (or whatever the corect term is for a group of Banshees). I just felt like doing the toadstools white with red spots rather than red with white spots. Not certain it was the right decision - might change it.

AD26 Nagini Noble

AD4 Large eyed Nasnas - colour scheme influenced by a web comic...

AD153 Drunken goblin

SH17 British postbox - another one to be reassigned to the AR Range.

So this lot needs to be sorted and put in the right boxes at some stage!

Saturday, 28 January 2023

A mob of Horrible Great Things


This is one of those figures I always considered to be a useless waste of space on a mould. However, my current way of thinking has changed that view. I always thought it would have to be painted in weird colours and would make (at best) an inferior monster. Going Retro Pulp my mindset altered..  and I  started thinking 'B Movie Rock Monster or Lava Monster' So I settled for a bunch of rock monsters!

AD150 'Horrible great thing'. Thought it deserved it's own post.

Friday, 27 January 2023

An Ogre Marine squad

Five man squad, not the best figures in the world but...

ADSP01 Ogre Marine with blaster. Used here as a squad leader.

ADSP02 Ogre Marine Scout. I'm missing the mould with ADSP03 and ADSP04 so these are the only two Marine figures I've got.

I won't pretend that I had intended spending this much time on these figures - there are a bunch of Jacklex Chinese half painted plus quite a few Colonial Russians waiting their turn - it's just that this lot seem to have grabbed my attention for now!

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Admins Ogres

ADSP Range of Space Figures. Sadly, many of the ADSP Range are not available - the only mould containing some of them is missing and the masters are long gone. The Range includes a number of Alien species and Space Goblins but no human figures. One reason I've taken so long to look at them.
ADSP01 Ogre Marine with Blaster. Very crude figure!
ADSP02 Ogre Marine Scout. An even cruder figure. I've got 4 of these plus one ADSP01 undercoated to give a Marine Section. Sadly, no officer as ADSP03 and ADSP04 (officer)  are both MIA.
ADSP05 Ogre Technician. Eyes a bit funny but a better figure than the first two!
ADSP21 Ogre Secret Agent. At a pinch I could probably put badges on his coat and call him an officer?

An interesting set of figures, very crude and fits in well as cartoon figures. Not figures I'll ever spend a lot of painting time on.

Friday, 20 January 2023

Still messing with Admins...

Long, long ago I took one look at the Admins Masters box and promptly consigned it to some place that was well out of sight...

The figures are not exactly in the best of shape.

On the other hand, I suppose there are lots of bits if I want to try converting or scratch building a few.

However, there were a few metal prototypes in there - that dwarf with telescope (AD164) is one I didn't have a mould or master of before...

And a couple of 'new' figures... the headless figure is a skeleton, the one with a head appears to be a mounted version of DA04, Warrior with sword. So I'm having to have a good think about these!

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

A couple of wizards

 Not doing much painting at the moment, but finished these two

They fooled me for a while until I realised it was a single figure with separate left arms. Pretty obvious in retrospect!

AD233a Wizard with bottle.

AD233b Wizard with staff.

Usual simple 'cartoon' paint job. Even so, they'll need a bit of touching up before I apply the varnish!

Sunday, 15 January 2023

Where do I come from?

 My wife Sandra likes rearching our families. As part of this we've both had our DNA  checked out...

So, no real shocks there - always knew the family was half Irish and half Northern England/Borders. Irish being McFarlane and Flynn. Would have thought the detailed version would have had a more Irish component though from the Flynn side.

But where did the 1% Central Asian come from?

Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Admins Retro AR Range - repurposed Super Heroes!

The Admins Ranges included a set of figures coded SH, Super Heroes. Trouble is, they were dubious at the very least - basically think Teen Titans... So not a Range I ever released. However, going over the Admins Ranges it was obvious the figures themselves  were a lot more flexible. Ideal, in fact, for other Pulp uses. So...

Not all done so far but certainly made a good start. I've made a deliberate attempt to delink these from the SH Range - codes are now AR (Admins Retro) and don't correspond in any way with the numbering of the 'original' Range. Painted in a very toy soldier block painting scheme that just looks 'right'.

AR01 Ship's Captain. This one just screamed it's id out! I've gone for a very Retro Pulp Spacemen scheme - red, black and brass. 

AR02 Number One. Same pose as the Captain so seemed right.

AR03 Young Hero. Another one that seemed obvious. The annoying teenage genius that often saved the day. It was the cloak that did  it - of course he would wear a cloak!

AR04 Bridge crew 1. Has to be bridge crew...

AR05 Ship's Engineer. Red belt seemed a better fit than black. I did put shading on the pockets,etc, of this figure, it just doesn't show up in the photo.

Alternate colour scheme - painted this before I'd thought of using the figure as a spaceship crew member, but then again it's as useful as a civilian anyway!

AR06 Generic crew 1

AR07 Crew member in T Shirt

AR08 Cyborg crew member.

AR09 Ship Psych Operative - again, seemed the obvious thing to do!

AR10 Security officer. Originally a very unconvincing SAS soldier.

Still not sure of the colour scheme to use on this figure - could well be trying a few more. There are a couple more figures to add for the security element.

AR11 Independent Trader. Took me a while to think of a use for this figure!

AR12 Reporter. In the original Range this figure wasn't listed but I found it as SH24 Reporter. It's the only figure with it's 'original' designation.

AR13 Intrepid Reporter. Has to be intrepid - think Lois Lane or Dale Arden. About as iconic a stereotype in pulp fiction as you can get. Which should probably make AR12 a Meek Reporter but...

AR14 Youth in casual pose. This figure has already appeared in the Christmas/Toyland adventure. Probably has a part time (or full time) job as a photographer - Jimmy Olsen or Peter Parker. The original figure was described as Dick Greyson!

AR15 Youth giving directions. Another figure from the Christmas adventure.

AR16 Police Sergeant. Again, there are a couple more police figures to add. I've painted the uniform dark Prussian Blue - not quite right, Dark Sea Blue might be more accurate, but it looks good.

This doesn't cover the entire Range - still a few more to find and/or paint. For some reason I forgot to add the pillar box and there's a mercenary figure I'm struggling with re paint scheme. Overall, though, a very useful range of figures so far.