Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Sunday 22 March 2020

Officially on lock down...

Being in one of the 'high risk' categories, I won't be leaving the house for the next twelve weeks. Well, by house I include garden etc...

Starngely, at a time when most people are losing their jobs or being laid off my hours are going up! With school closures, the tuition I'm doing is continuing as distance learning - except we're consolidating. Still getting new kids to teach, so staff are being reallocated with the result I'm getting more hours because I'm not able to go out. Because some of the kids aren't either, so both of the kids I'm teaching are staying in - and I'm taking over more of their curriculum.

So my hours have gone up... well, let's face it, I'm not doing anything else.

Apart from Prussians. And some cavalry. And probably a few other things.


  1. Best wishes for the forthcoming confinement... Keep posting

    Cheers Mike

    1. Thanks. I intend to - not as if I'll be getting out much!

  2. Replies
    1. And you... and everyone else. Not good times.

  3. Take care, do share your gaming with us...

    1. Actually cleared a 5' space on my table yesterday - casting/20mm Napoleonics had just taken everything over.

  4. A valuable task made more valuable by the circumstances.
