Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Rose ACW

Part of the 'scratting around for interest in painting' effort.I've tried several times to get ACW armies going, coming across a couple of A4 boxes of Rose ACW figures made me think 'why not?'

Simplified as per my current norm. The uniform blue looks a lot darker on the figures than in the picture.
I initially tried to get a full 6 x 6 quota of stars on the flag; best I could manage was 5 x 5.

Because the black doesn't show up very well on the actual figures I didn't bother painting the peak of the kepis black. Honest, on the real thing you don't notice it!

 I'll see how it goes. Might get another unit done before Christmas then see about cavalry and artillery.


  1. I remember ordering some of these and being disappointed because they where much small er than the Hinchcliffe I was collecting at the time .

    1. If you put the marching ACW figure next to it's Airfix counterpart they mix happily - hard to tell them apart. Yet I've seen some of the Rose 20mm figures advertised on Ebay as 28mm!

  2. Splendid Rob…

    I had some of these many years ago… I remember they did go well with my Airfix toys

    All the best. Aly

    1. I'm seriously thinking about digging up any Airfix survivors to see if I can add the odd figure - Airfix did a bugler plus a running figure with one hand up who might be useful in a command group. Plus there was an Airfix magazine article including flag designs - I did do a few standard bearers so these might be pulled into service...

    2. I have so many of these running guys with hand raised, I formed them into a brigade of 4 regiments. But they do make fine flag bearers. My method was to bent the right arm around to the front (hot water method), poke a hole through the hand and follow through (if I could) with another through the other hand (after trimming away the musket. Then shove modelling wire through both. You get a remarkably durable flag staff.

      The flags I've hand drawn on paper, mirror imaged with about 3mm gap to accommodate the flag pole. Instead of square or rectangle, I make the flags lozenge shaped, so that when wrapped around the flagpole and glued together, you get a much better 'drape'. These days I colour the flags with felt-tip pen, and paint on the stars.

    3. Back in the 70s I used a sort of draughtman's linen for Airfix flags - it was slightly blue in colour and (I think) sized with starch. Every now and then a figure turns up in a box... As these Rose figures have flags already on the figure I just hand paint them.
