Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Garrison Spaceship by Steven

'Photos attached of a Garrison Miniatures spaceship (you will have to tell me which actual ship it is from the Garrison range). (It's a Star Raider) It was a break from painting SS panzergrenadiers. If the German army around 1942 had spaceships, maybe they would have looked like this. Okay, it is a practice run for my WW2 German tanks, aiming to reflect the kind of camo patterns they may have used before the introduction of the dunkelgelb base, but more interesting than just dunkelgrau. As discussed on Saturday, it would be more accurate if I: 

 1. Lose the brown 

2. Possibly add yellow 

3. Lose the edge effect (I might prefer it aesthetically, even if it is less historically accurate) 

4. Emphasise mid-tones on the grey more, to reduce contrast and give a less shiny look 

 The glow effect around the engines is the first time I have tried such a thing. It didn't work particularly well, and certainly didn't photograph well. I can probably make the base a bit more interesting too, for example, making some of the stars brighter and adding colour swirls to reflect a nebula (although photos we see of nebulae are all false colour anyway. In reality, they aren't visible to the naked eye. Again, it is a trade-off between realism and aesthetics).'


 For more details of this range, see Lost Minis Wiki.


  1. Good to know what I actually painted

  2. Interesting I had no idea they did spaceships !

    1. Greenwood & Ball/SKT/Garrisn had quite a few smaller ranges, including 25mm SciFi, 1/300th scale SF vehicles/tanks and a few 1/360th scale Ancient ships.

    2. Don't think I've ever seen a Garrison 1/300 range?

    3. Some of them are here:

  3. I remember these coming out but never had any - always thought they were nicely done though - a little bit Chris Foss.

    1. The masters and moulds I have probably double the actual number of figures issued - including some very nice figures. I personally like this range.

    2. Did you ever take pics of the whole range Rob?

    3. Not of everything. I did do some photos just for my own records to let me id them - not fantastic photos, but I'll post them.
