Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Not quite the last night in Newhaven

 Let's face it, it's going to take a lot for this town to go under...

A low bang is heard coming from the factory. A few strands of smoke can be seen coming out of some upstairs windows.

A small crowd assembles rushing to see what's happening.

'Nothing to see folks, everything's under control' says the manager from the doorway.Minor mishap, lots of smoke but no fire - everything's sorted now.'

So everyone goes about their business as the police discuss the issue with the newly arrived and flustered Peabody.

Back to normal as the streets start to clear. There's a slightly offputting stench still in the air...

Empty streets as Vicar McKensie slowly walk towards the factory to see if he can help.

Once more people turn towards the factory as the doors burst open and some of the walkers pile out screaming...

Followed by... ONE Zombie! Threw a 1! - but then threw a 6 to get extra movement. Happily for the zombie, one of the workers threw a 1 and froze.

Which the zombie took some advantage of and attacked.

The lady must have a handbag full of lead because she was able to beat it off and pull away. Meanwhile, the officers of the law are just thinking about reacting.

It looks at first glance that the odds favour the humans a bit much in combat. However... zombies are weakish and can be beaten off. Next rule to write will be to see if and how quickly the victim 'turns'.


  1. A lucky escape there for the lady in red....

    1. Possibly. You could 'win' a combat but still get bitten. What usually happens in zombie movie to someone who gets bitten? Thought about, now added to the rules.
