Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Sunday, 22 May 2022

Pond, cos still not doing anything relating to wargaming...

The pond is finished with the exception of fish and gravel edging.

'Gravel edging' is a rather loose term - the intention is also to include a gravelled seating area at one end of the pond...


Virtually all of the marginal plants have been planted at the other end.


We do have two other 'ponds'. This one is an old sink stuck just off the patio area. It proved very useful in growing some of the pondweed for the new pond.


The other 'pond' is an old bath dug into amongst the plum trees. It provided most of the flag irises in the main pond and is due for refurbishment (ie, a pond liner and clearing.) Both these ponds are items we inherited when we bought the house.