Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Some other options.

 Options regarding figures to use for pulp scenarios that is.

Firstly, it was only when I was painting the explorers with their pith helmets that I considered using these Garrison/SKT figures with the 28mm Pulp games. This lot were (quickly) painted a few years ago as a 'proof of concept' for a late Victorian army - never got past the first few figures...

Next, a quirky group of figures I painted back in the 90s - Admins Fishers, with a bit of repurposing/refurbishing could make reasonable cultists or similar.

Sizewise the Fishers are a good match to the RAFM, the Garrison/SKT troops a bit small but shouldn't look too out of place.

So overall these two ranges should be able to give me some useful figures for bulk/cannon fodder - already got enough figures to provide the backing players/cannon fodder!


  1. Nice to see the Admin folk. A most underrated range in my opinion. It was full of great figures.

    1. It is a very quirky range.Some really good, some really bad.

  2. The Blue chaps are freaky enough for a B grade sci-fi film.Works for me anyway.

    1. I'm thinking about getting rid of the weapons and using them as zonmbie types.
