Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Sunday, 5 June 2022

The Temple 2

A deserted village and temple. Quiet. An area that feels...dark...

Uneasily Spithadates and his escort travel through the village on the road past the ruined temple.


A disturbance as they pass the temple. A wild eyed priest and a few acolytes appear haranging the Governor... Blasphemy! Enter the temple... worship at the alter of the gods...


Spithradates scowls... turning to the Guard Archers. 'Deal with them' as he continues on his way...


The priest and his followers are soon chased into the depths of the temple, curses and incantations filling the air.


Curses and incantations answered as demons appear and start to attack the column.


Fighting breaks out as the cavalry engage one set of demons.


As more creatures start to appear...


The column under attack on one flank... but there is another flank...


And the rear of the column isn't going to stay out of things for long...


And even though the centre is more than holding it's own Spithradates looks like he will soon have a few troubles of his own.


  1. Haha....nice stuff! I have similar thoughts/plans around ancient curses, Mummy Kings and warriors from beyond the grave...but in my case, set in the 1930's Pulp era. Look forward to reading how this turns out!
