Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday 19 September 2023

The Lost City

The tower faced  the ruins of what seemed to be a deserted city...

The entrances were raised above ground level... the robots solved the entry problem by quickly building a ramp to the first step.

The Master Bot takes station in the main corridor as a fall back position while the rest of the party check the side corridors...

Number one, cadet and security guard with one Protector to the right... pretty much a dead end...

The Captain leads his team down the left corridor.

But the Protector couldn't get past a broken floor...

As the Captain and PsychOps continue the exploration... until stopped by a locked door. Time to go back to the main corridor.

As an aside, did a bit of casting once everyone had cleared the forest. Quite useful really - turn on the melting pot and do a few moves on the game while it's heating up!


  1. So they find a lost city in the jungle… And what is the first thing they do?
    Split up !😱
    Have they never watched any of the ancient “Scooby-doo documentaries 😂

    All the best. Aly

    1. To be fair, they are pretty powerful groups...
