Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday 5 September 2023

The... Something...

With all those tentacles they belong in the Mythos but - what as. The black parts I've painted could be body parts or 'made' armour? I've assignrd them a job as footsoldiers of some creatures/god of the Mythos, just don't know what. To be honest, I could do with a lot more of these - they look very very useful for some reason. I just haven't worked out the reason yet. The more of these figures I paint the more I like them.


  1. For some reason, Dr, Who comes to mind but I can't remember which reincarnation let alone which episode, or their characteristics in it. Of course, I could be dead wrong.

  2. You're thinking of the Ood:
    Got a load of them with those Monster Army pack:

  3. I can see how you like them, they are cracking looking figures.
