Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Saturday 23 September 2023

'You are not Thals'

The Captain advanced to greet the advancing creature. 'You are not Thalls.What manner of human are you' it asked in a mechanical tone.
'It doesn't matter. You are inferior. You will be destroyed'. The Dalek fired and missed, as did the Protector and soldier

As the combatants continued firing the PsychOps tried to throw a protective screen around everyone. It failed and the Captain fell to the ground dying. The soldier hit the Dalek but his shot bounced off - got 4 or more for the hit, but to penetrate a Dalek's armour needed a 6!

The Proector rushed forward and physically destroyed the Dalek!

At this point Number One and her team arrived...

Just as more Daleks appeared on the scene.

As the Daleks entered the room the crew retreated back out of it. No sense taking on an unknown number of armoured battlecars!

It was around this time that the Master Bot discovered that all the apparent blockages were actually the tops of lift shafts...


  1. Dastardly Daleks…😱
    I never expected that…

    All the best. Aly

    1. It seemed like a good way to expand things a bit, plus of course in a ruined/deserted city the Daleks had to be living underground so had to have a lift system. Like just about everything else in the game, using those ground features just came to me as the game went on, then it seemed the obvious thing to do!

  2. The game looks like fun. Are you using your own rules?

    1. Pretty much the Zombie rules modified for this scenario - so in hand to hand combat I treat the robots as human, three dice, the Dalek as a zombie, i die, but in firing both have three dice. Human weapons have less effect on Daleks, so if a hit was recorded I rolled again - a six being needed to kill the Dalek, otherwise the shot bounced off. Being a solo game though I didn't always stick to a stict interpretation of the rules.
