By adding some Garrison officers and standard bearers I was able to muster another understrength regiment of Immortals. |
A close up of the two different figures... |
...And rear view... |
A place where Ancient Ancient armies can peacefully retire to... Possibly. Oh, and some pulp. A few things on 6mm SciFi tanks and stuff. And the toy soldiers. Especially the War of 1897... And now I seem to be starting on 20mm Napoleonics as well! email
By adding some Garrison officers and standard bearers I was able to muster another understrength regiment of Immortals. |
A close up of the two different figures... |
...And rear view... |
Having a quick look though Rick's blog Notitia Metallicum I realised that I don't really do justice in the area of figure identification/listings. One set I could include the Barbarian side of the 'S' Range - I've done a lot on Greeks, Persians, Egyptians and Assyrians, nothing on the Barbarians. Mainly because they're not painted.
However, I do have a load of S Range infantry lying around, even a few I undercoated grey a long time ago! |
AF1s Frank Axemen Advancing - I'm publishing these in the order they sorted themselves on my hard drive rather than catalogue order. |
AG1s Gaul heavy Spearman Advancing. The first figure I take to be an early version, the second figure is S Range 'cos it's shown in the picture in the catalogue... |
AG2s Gaul Standard Bearer. This is an early version. You will see a different standard bearer in the chariot - that could be later S Range, could be PB... |
AG10s Hun Archer... It's Minifigs, don't ask! |
AG11s Gaul Heavy Spearman, early version. Later version could well be the back figure listed as AG1s of course - there's no number on the base. |
AG12s. The one on the right has the code on the base (as AG12), the other one is assumed to be a variant. |
AG13s Gaul Spearman (Ancient Briton) - id assumed but there is a worrying spike on the shield rather than just a boss. |
AGC1s Gaul Lancer - assumed it's the lancer, not the javelinman! Early one piece casting. My two piece casting of Minifigs Gauls all seem to be PB Range figures. |
AGC4s Gallic Chariot. Ex Harry, chariot painted by me, no idea who painted the PB Range crew. |
APt1s and 2s, Pict Spearman Advancing and Pict Archer, Kneeling Firing. |
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Makes sense to include a catalogue page with this! |
Three different small units! I'm using them as 2 x 3Bw and 2 x 5Hd. |
No real identifying characeristics here; could be Mysians, Moschi, Tibareni, Mares or Colchians... etc! |
These figures look better on the ground than they do in the photos. Again, figures in this range aren't bad...
OK, working now. For these, only had enough to do 3 figures instead of four on the back row. |
I've gone for a more ornate paint scheme for these - only one unit so not an issue as far as time goes |
Very quirky design but I quite like it. I don't paint my Garrison Immortals in such an ornate fashion because it would take too long - here, with just a few figures, I felt justified. |
Went through everything on Chrome and something must haver worked!
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Now getting this - completely different to the former 'insert picture' message so it seems to have been a google/blogger change that didn't work very well! |
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This is the the message I was getting. |
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As you can see, cookies were always allowed! |
Not something I wanted to do, but as an interim (possibly permanent) solution I've simply started a new blog. Which I'm now going to have to sort out regarding layout. Please be patient (very!!) - first post is the Warrior Immortals post that should have appeared here a few days ago!
And don't ask me why, if Google isn't accepting cookies, I can create a new blog that works but still can't get the old one working. Next tasks to see what I do about transferring stuff over from The Eastern Garrison, keep tweaking this one and possibly start some new blogs for the Pulp work or something...
First two units of the Warrior figures painted. As these figures are in 10s I've used Garrison officers and standard bearers with them - you can easily see how well the two ranges fit together. |
The first unit is a Bactrian unit so I've decorated the tunics. Quite nice figures but the spears won't behave themselves! |
Although I'm getting on with other things - currently ploughing my way through all those 6mm Leven buildings - I still keep an eye out for other things. Hinds had a couple of lots of Warrior Greek and Persian War figures on ebay, put in an offer (a lot less than the listed price!) and got them.
Might even paint some of them straight up rather than going on to my 'to do' list.
OK,top up of what I know (not much) about this range.
It's based on 'Armies of the Greek and Persian Wars' book by Richard Nelson, published in 1978. I found out about them from Ian Beck who bought some - apart from Pony Wars and Huns Ian also had an early Achaemenid Persian army. Anyway, ordered and got some Persians and Scythians, liked them, put in another order and they were out of production. I doubt they were in production for a year! Problem, I think, was size - too small for then current 25mm, too big for 20mm. Pity, they included some nice figures though probably several years obsolete in design. They matched early Garrison figures perfectly.
Go forward a few years and I thought about them as I was running Garrison. Phoned Warrior (think it was still Ray Seaton - not sure if John had take over by then?) Anyway, asked about buying the range or getting some kind of production licence, told in no uncertain terms 'Range gone, moulds destroyed, masters destroyed, not interested in selling the range' end of conversation.
And that, basically, is my total knowledge of that range. I'd have to look, but think I've even got a catalogue with them in!
I should add that it's the only Warrior range that I've even really liked.
Another quick paint job. Comes over as a really nice spacecraft. |
Should probably tidy up the front view ports, probably won't. I keep doing these 'conversions' but so far I haven't used any of the actual Garrison range! |
Turn the Hyperion over and it becomes... The only thing I've done is turned it upside down and painted a few viewports and the name on it - it's still in the original scheme! |
Admins AD220 Wise Old Treeman. Under HoTT Behometh! |
Admins AD79, Tree Ent (60mm high). Another Behometh. |
AD58 Large Evil Tree. If I did a HoTT army I would only be able to use 1 of these - only 3 4 point Behomeths would be allowed in the army. Of course, if not doing HoTT... |
Probably one of my smaller Garrison 20/25mm Ancient Reviews and not a lot different to the last one I did. One the other hand, it's been quite a while since my last Review, so... |
Two different general's chariots. Not down as any particular general, I assume one of them is Cyrus the Great. |
Right wing cavalry, front being a Guard unit. Not sure when the Guard cavalry or Immortals were actually raised but quite happy to have them in my early army. |
Sparabara Immortal unit backed by a camel unit loosely based on the camel in Funken! Also not sure when the Sparabara system was invented... |
Scythed chariots as per Xenophon even if his scythed chariots were an anachronism. |