As you all know, Admins is very much to the fore at the moment and I've just had a very useful email from Admin re the range.
'Hello Rob,
If you're still curating Admins on the LostMinis Wiki I'd like to
suggest a couple of corrections.
And looking at pictures of AD211 Large Flesh Golem... has it got any
AD1 is a Nagini (typo)
AD4 is AD18 Nasnas (with Small Eye)
AD46 is a Goblin Madam (typo)
AD87 is a Barghest (typo in the catalogue)
AD148 is a Goblin Ninja with Ninjato (typo)
AD162 is either ADSP13 or 14. The Larva is a grub with a skeleton’s
AD186 is from AD228a Goblin Organ gun Crew. Oliver is a goblin
holding a plate with a bone
AD224 I remember the Hellhound breathing fire?
AD225 Manface is a Blemya (correction to catalogue)
AD255 seems also to be AD221
AD260 Moral Minority Medusa (typo)
WS34 is a Tick or maybe Spider (error in the catalogue?} It’s got
eight legs
DA48 is more likely DA09 Female Halfling
DA09 is probably DA22 Brat
ADSP07 Dug Druid is ADSP07 Bug Robot (or Droid rather than Druid?)
is more likely ADSP9 or 11
a Polarion)
See AD162 above'
Actually I'm not curating the range on Lost Minis Wiki, I just pass on info so they can curate it... plus thhe Large Flesh Golem doesn't have ears so...Also, AD255 and AD221 are different - the minotaur has ears, the idol doesn't.