Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Friday 16 August 2024

Next batch of moulds... Victorians and Amazons

I'm getting started with reorganising (or should that be organising?) the Admins ranges. Starting with the Victorian range... so three sets of figures sent off today to Pete Brown 'The Mould Maker'

First 14 on this mould in order. 

Though this mould is the more important one. Firstly, it becomes the first mould I can cast VIC17, Adventurer with hand gun...

It also has a few DA and AD Range figures that I couldn't previously cast. Including DA45 Female Orc.

Interesting one here is the little guy. On the 12" mould it's a Halfling archer - but it's nothing like the picture on Lost Minis Wiki, which came from the photos I got originally... and which I've never found either a sample or mould of.

I've also finally gotten round to sorting and sending an Amazon mould off. The figures aren't all that good, and I don't know how well they'll caste, but if they do I'm going to busy with the 'second phase' of my Amazon army. Note there's also a Byzantine standard bearer there - another army that needs a mould reorganisation. I stuck that 'spare' archer on for a reason. If I want to do any Amazon chariots I can use her and the one with the spear and outstretched arm as crew without having to go to the other Amazon mould.

Next set of moulds might concentrate on the DA Range - which would probably take four moulds. After that, I doubt I'll ever get all the moulds needed for the AD Range - about 260 figures, could be up to 20 moulds... so probably not practical! Could go for 'species moulds' though - all the skeletons on one mould, etc. Meanwhile, I need to get a load of photos sorted for some of these to provide to Lost Minis Wiki so some of the gaps can be filled in.


  1. Replies
    1. Start of what could be an expensive long term project - if I went totally insane about 2 grand for moulds. Then I consider how many moulds I've already done and it doesn't seem too extreme. So far I've had over 130 moulds made...

  2. Wow. 130 mounds is quite a significant investment Rob! I hope the Amazon's come out OK.

  3. Moulds that should be....bloody phone auto correct!

    1. Mounds of moulds. It's taken me 20 years...

  4. Be interesting to see how the Amazons turn out, the whole moulds etc business interests me a great deal, you have some collection of them!

    1. That's the problem with having a hobby sometimes.
