Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Monday 12 August 2024

The Queen's party set up

Thought the set up deserved it's own post. 43" x 39". Other than the beach post this kind of defined area is not really something I've tried before - usually I tend to use more of a whole table approach, here I've used a 'just put out what's needed, but use it all' style!

It's pretty much based on 3 A3 boards surrounded by hedges, roads and trees on the table. My wargames table is already covered in green carpet tiles!

Even with all the extra railings I bought it wasn't enough to cover the whole perimeter of the manor. No matter - bought some more that I'll make up some time.

Gave me a chance to use some of my Lledo cars as well! That Sarissa Manor House is probably my most useful building - it gets used a lot.

I admit I like that 'beach' tile - must do a load more A3 terrain pieces.

Although I've got lots of 'traditional' trees I often prefer using the cheap Chinese toy types. They certainly fit better for this type of scenario. 

I don't know why I decided to put the lighthouse in the corner. It just seemed to fit in with everything else!


  1. Its a good look! I'm picturing a B&W start, turning to colour as the movie starts.

  2. It' a great set up, works really well for this type of game, really looks the part.

  3. That is an interesting looking table, lovely and bright. I also really like the house.

    1. It's a very useful building in so many ways.

  4. Looks great and as I said a couple of posts back, the Sarissa manor house is a superb model!
