Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday 27 August 2024

I have a plan...

 OK, not so much a plan, more a case of  'I'm doing these and there seems to be a reasonable order to work it.' 

First part of it is to try and get a load more figure pictures on Lost Minis Wiki. So I'm doing a mix of casting figures then posting them on the LMW Facebook page, or some I'm painting first. A lot of the current ones I'm sorting are the skeletons, beastmen and assorted giants. So I'm also going to take the opportunity to create a HoTT giant army (sort of) plus a couple of random skeleton and beastman units.

That should give time for Pete Brown to do the Amazon mould... if they work, couple of spear armed units, possibly a cavalry unit, may even do a few chariots...
The giants army will include figures from both the Admins ranges and the Garrison S&S Range - this is the figure I'm using for The World Serpent, SS85, Two-Headed Serpent.


  1. A great plan, some cracking looking miniature in the first picture. Hopefully the Amazon casting will work out for you.

  2. Replies
    1. We'll see how far I get... actually may not pass on anything else to LMW yet - probably overloaded the system for now...

  3. That garrison balrog is excellent.
