Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday 15 August 2024

Some tables with food on...


Bought from CriticalPrintsGB when I realised I had lots of tables but none with food on them! This lot are from three sets totalling £30.

When I ordered them there was nothing to say what scale they were; In fact I have put them next to different sized figures - they're actually a bit bigger than 32mm! So big. But I admit I like them. Not looking forward to painting them...

Size comparison against Frontline 25mm. As I said, they're big.

So a useful addition even though I would have liked to have been able to choose a size - most 3D printing places seem to give a choice of 25mm or 32mm for their figures; that would have made them even better.


  1. A fine feast of food Rob…
    They look like they will be fun to paint…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Painting them at the moment - trouble is, some things I'm not sure how to paint, other things I'm not certain what they are. Getting there - I will finish up with something useable.

  2. Nice looking models and I don't envy you painting them! Should look great in a game though.

  3. Looking useful and that is a lot of food.
