Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Ghasts and Shoggoths

The ghasts are RAFM, the shoggoth Mirliton - for some reason I don't have a RAFM shoggoth.

Again, virtually pure drybrushing so very quick to do.

Very simple colour schemes!

This figure is a bit different from the Lovecraftian description - hoofed kangaroo-type legs? No forehead? - not quite, personally prefer to use them as desert predators rather than underground types.

Paint job is simply black undercoat dry brushed with flat earth then tan earth. I originally thought about another layer of sand but decided against it.

Basically black iridescent slime with lots of temporary greenish eyes... well, pure black a bit boring and I went for eyes with a more 'human' aspect... hopefully a bit more 'creepy'.

Again flat earth over black but more black left. Then tan earth then a light brushing of an orange/flesh mix to give that orange 'glow'. Looks very effective.


  1. Again ..................eeeeeeek! Vary nasty ones!

    1. There's something about the crouching ghast...

  2. I've already lost 3d6 sanity points, and I expect there is more to come.

  3. Nice paintjob! I've linked your work in my article about the Shoggoth model -
