The second game from Partizan/Cranwell. Actually this one might be more useful in lots of ways - I can see me using for the war of 1897. Also now updated on pages.
Each figure controls a group of
warriors and their leader. At the edge of the board in the centre nearest the
player is their band’s flag. The winner is the first player to score 10 victory
points OR capture the other player’s flag.
Your play board is used to tell the
different fighting skills and strengths of your figures, and to keep track of
points that you win and the strength that any of your figure lose.
The play area is 2’ x 2’ and is marked out in hexagons. Each hexagon
represents one movement action.
No more than two figures may be in any one hexagon at the end of a
figure’s activation phase. If there are more than two figures, the last figure
to enter the pace has to move back to the space it came from. This is a free
move and does not require an action. If this is not possible it must move into
any other allowable space (ie with no enemy and no more than one other figure).
If this is not possible it leaves the game and goes home to mum in a sulk (but
does not lose any of its strength). In this case the other player does not get
any additional Victory Points.
Place the teams’ flags in or near the centre of each baseline. Each
player lines his figures up in one of the baseline spaces (up to 2 in each
During each turn a player may try to activate any or all of their figures
to make them carry out actions.
The first figure to be activated is your leader, who is activated
automatically. You may then choose one other figure to get an automatic
activation next.
After this, dice for each figure you wish to activate. To do this, throw
a D6 – anything other than a one allows you to activate one figure. If you
throw a 1 your turn is over (sorry….).
During an activation, a figure can carry out up to two actions:
Move – up to 1 hexagon in any direction.
Have a punch
Rest – to get its strength back (counts as
two actions)
Each model may move up to one hexagon in any direction in each action (so
can move a maximum of two hexagons using both of its actions if it wishes).
If a figure crosses a wall or fence, wades through a river or spends any
of its action in a woods, its uses one of its actions.
A figure can be in or pass through a hexagon containing one of its own
friendly figures but no more than two figures are allowed in any hexagon at the
end of its activation.
If a figure enters a hexagon with as enemy figure it must stop and have a
punch up with him. If there are two enemy figures in the space the moving
player may choose which is involved in the punch up.
Each figure has an attack value (ATK) which tells you how good they are at fighting, and a Strength value
(STR) which tells you how tough they are. Once a figure runs out of
STR it is too tired to carry on and is removed from the board.
Each attacking figure rolls a number of dice equal to its ATK value. For
most figures this is 2, for your leader or any heroes it is 3. Choose one of
the dice to see what happens to your enemy:
Oh Dear
Poor show – no effect
Run away…
Moves 1 hexagon back towards his flag*
Loses one token from his STR score
Hit and Run
Loses one token from his STR score and moves 1 hexagon back towards his
*If a figure cannot move towards his flag because the hexagon(s) is
already occupied by two figures, or if he is forced back into a river hexagon
he moves into any other hexagon the he can and loses one from his STR.
*If a figure has to move 1 hexagon away from you and this causes him to
go off the board, he goes home to mum and is removed from play.
*If a figure has to move away, the attacking figure can follow up and
stay in contact if he wishes (providing this does not mean that here are more
than 2 figures in the same hexagon).
Punch ups
across walls or hedges.
If you attack a figure who is behind a wall or hedge or other sport of
protection, your attacking figure only rolls one less die, not the usual number
indicated by his ATK value.
If your figure takes a rest action it can get some of its strength (STR)
back. A figure can never have more
strength that it started with. A rest counts as two actions so the figure
cannot carry out any other activity this turn.
Each time one of your attackers causes an enemy to lose STR points, you
score a Victory point. Mark these on your score board.
There may also be other ways of scoring victory points during some of the
specific game scenarios.
The winner is the first player to reach 10 Victory points OR to capture
the other player’s flag.
To capture the other player’s flag one of your players must be in the
same hexagon as the flag with none of the other player’s figures in the same
hexagon at the end of the other player’s turn.
What you will need:
2 bands of soldiers
2 flags
2 Play Scoreboards
6 ATK dice (3 for each player – with 2 faces “Oh
Dear”, 2 faces “Run away”, one face “Ouch” and one face “Hit and run”.)
2’x2’ board marked I n3” hexagons
Some scenery
An opponent
And.. to be ready to have fun.