Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Friday, 30 August 2019

Day 1

Day 1  

The sea is getting darker. Seaweed on the surface, reducing speed in case propellers fouled, radio contact with shore lost, doesn't seem to be a transmitter fault...

 Night 1   

Tried to take a fix... clear sky but something not right, stars all wrong. Continuing South by compass bearings but no confidence in those readings either.

Day 2

Increasing amount of weed on surface, slowing almost to a halt. Strange lights in the sky. Don't know where we are...

Day 3  

Propellers jammed but ship caught in a current and still heading South. Weed getting thicker. Later, strange structures piercing the surface of the sea... leprous weed-encrusted edifices with strange, unearthly markings or carvings. Strangely not human. Crew unsettled as ship drifts amongst the 'buildings'.

An update... the cargo ship is by SGTS' MESS.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Looking good so far! Time to open the arms locker!

    2. This will be taken under advisement.. (As in, er, well, no spolers)

  2. Ring...Ring...!
    'It's for you.'
    'Who's calling...?'

  3. Replies
    1. No comment, other than to say anything I do may be (is) based on but it's a Mythos - so I reserve the right to change any or all parts for the purpose of my narrative.
