Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday, 16 July 2020

More test figures

A few more quick examples to see how they look painted - Hollywood Philistine, Late Achaemenid archer and 'Arab/Turkish' archer.

The shield motif on the Philistine shield is basically a Biblical reference - Canaanites worshipping golden calf/bull. The Persian figure is the same as the Caspian, etc, currently being made into a mould, the other two will hopefully go on the next batch of moulds. I might give the Philistine a thicker spear for ease of casting.


  1. I like the Philistine.

    Not sure about the pose on the foot archer, looks awkward to fire twisted like that without the horse for support. I suppose cutting him at the waist, turning the body and fixing the cloak to match, would be more work than it would be worth.

    1. Actually if you try it and consider it part of a movement rather than static poise it works quite well - the left foot and bow arm are in alignment with the back foot at right angles, the body twists quite naturally to the pose shown. The left foot itself was twisted to this pose - on the cavalry figure both feet point in the same direction. The main issue with going from a cavalry figure to infantry is that the inside of the legs are a bit flat and should really be built up.
