Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday 28 May 2024

25mm Garrison Assyrian spearmen A3


Assyrian spearman A3 based with shields to the front. This figure carries an Egyptian shaped shield, really based on a misinterpretation of the large Assyrian curved, round topped body shield.

The figures should probably been based with this view to the front... I just prefer showing the shield.

And back view. I should probably have painted these wearing stockings and boots; again I went for the look I preferred.

This is the second of the three armoured close order infantry units I've decided on - the third unit will be composed of the armoured archer from the chariot set.


  1. An impressive looking unit, lovely figures.

  2. Impressive! I like the fact that some of the details of the older figures do not match with present-day interpretations. It makes the figures more exotic looking, which is what I look for.

    1. Spears too long, shields wrong shape... but I agree, I'm long past worrying about absolute accuracy, these days I want them to look good on the table...

  3. Sumer dress (sic) . All depends on who you're attacking.

    1. Assyrians... everybody in the Middle East.

  4. They are very pretty Rob….

    All the best. Aly
