Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday 16 May 2024

The Movellans.


Androids from the Whoniverse who fought the Daleks.

The figures are from Blacktree Design. Long delivery times and lack of communication means this will probably be the only unit of these figures I get. Pity, would have liked about 20... I'll continue to order small numbers of ones I deem 'essential' - got an order in at the moment - but generally don't intend to use this company as much as I would have liked. I really feel they deserve a better paint job.

Sainsbury's do a nice Salmon Pate. Two of the empty packets make quite a nice generic drop pod or shuttle. I did do one where I painted a door on the side - not impressed so stuck with this simpler version. It doesn't look much like a Movellan pod but... it's fiction...


  1. Nice looking figures and the drop pod works really well. It's a pity about Black Tree as they do a lot of interesting miniatures but the grief is not worth the hassle.

    1. That's pretty much my view. Minimum orders I'm prepared to wait for rather than a major plank in my buying plans.

  2. BTD do seem to have great figures but a deserved reputation for slack service...unfortunately.

    1. It's a reputation they've had for at least 6 years and they don't seem to be interested in losing it.

  3. The saucer is pretty cool!

    1. I agree - and about as simple as it's possible to be to make.
