Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Sunday 19 May 2024

Partizan 2024

So to Partizan - which I personally much prefer to Salute...

So started taking photos after I'd bought various essential items. Took about four photos then camera said the card was full.

So that left photos taken by Steven. This shows the Omaha Beach people getting their trophy for best game... at the time Steven was on the other side of the table playing the game...

It was a pretty big game involving small figures... Steven liked the fact that players  played sections on both sides - so if the Americans got a win he was happy, but also sad because the Germans had lost. Or something.

Another game he played was one of the Crooked Dice scenarios. Between us we have spent a lot on Crooked Dice - he liked the game, personally I'm quite happy to collect the figures, don't think I'll be paying £90 for a game set...

As I said, I just got a couple of pictures of the 'Very British Civil Forum' game...

And some of the models used. Nice looking set up.

So back home, everything on the card sent to the backup drive and deleted from the camera. Which means I was able to record the day's expenditure. Empress Miniatures provided the only things that I had actively intended to buy. They'll supplement the figures I got from Mike. Panzer 1A and LKII tanks. Their IndianaJones "Mark IX Beast Tank' had a prominent place in that Very British Civil Forum" game but... card full, no picture...

Already got Alice, how could I not get the Hayland Dorothy and the Gang. And if doing pulp horror how could I miss a model of Elvira...

Various paints - lots of people doing Vallejo, AK paints from Great Escape Games..

Finishing with a paint brush top up.

Steven bought more than I did...


  1. Great pics! How many Mega-pixels have you set the resolution at? Or maybe time to upgrade the memory card?

    1. Main reason is that I take a set of pictures, put them into folders on the camera then paste them on to my hard drive for processing - but don't delete the ones on the camera. Eventually the camera card starts filling up and I back them up on another drive. After that I delete them on the camera. Just left it too late this time!

  2. I am finding I need brushes like those on the right, that are not round. Much easier to grip these days!

  3. A decent wee haul, I too like the brushes that aren't round, my last two purchases have been that shape.

    1. On balance think I still prefer round ones.

  4. Looks like a grand day out and some useful shopping. Used to enjoy partizan although hell of a trek.

    1. It's my favourite, but then it's just over an hour away from me. I can see that it would take you a bit longer...

  5. Good haul there! There were certainly some cracking games this time. Unfortunately, I was only there for an hour and a half and didn't get a chance to see much - sorry to miss you.

    1. I keep thinking there should be some kind of meeting place/time arranged at these places on a regular basis for 'internet friends' like the one Bob Cordery did at Salute last year - I wander round and never see anyone I 'know'!

    2. Sounds like a great idea - we should certainly coordinate if you come back to Partizan - it might even be worth thinking about a big old school display game at some point.

    3. Well, I could probably supply the figures...

    4. Now that would be worth the trek!

  6. Replies
    1. The middle bit (being there) was. Getting there roadworks with poorly timed lights meant getting there was a pain, coming back intended to stop at a restaurant only to find it was closed, fine, fish and chips, it was closed. Finally got a takeawy Chinese - so third option...

  7. I dodn't know you were there, but I agree Omaha Beach, or that's what I thought t was was the most original game there.

    1. Looked like a good game and Steven certainly liked playing it.

  8. It was indeed a cracking show Rob…
    I do like the idea of arranging an Old School meet up next time…

    All the best. Aly

    1. It's becoming more and more of a possibility.

  9. Thank you very much for the pictures and write up, and to Steven for playing my Omaha game.
