Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Sunday 12 May 2024

28mm Very British Civil War


At least, they used to be. Now they are liable to be involved in other things.

More figures from Scotland, they even came with their own transport.

As well as standard bearers and a machine gun.

Biggest unit (or could be two) are the Boy's Brigade. You will notice, probably because of their origin, there is a definite Scottish theme.

The small contingent of regulars brought an 18 pounder to the party.

This lot seem to be the local townsfolk acting as a militia.

Now this lot look very Russian...

The Scots themselves seem to have up to three units. As I recall from 1897, a number of Scottish militia units in the late 19th Century did wear grey.

This lot are in tarten trews...

While this lot got the tin hats.

While this lot got the tin hats.

So once again, thank you Mike...


  1. Terrific units, full of great wargaming potentialities.
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. Cracking looking figures, loads of uses with this little lot!

  3. I can take no credit as bought them painted. I believe the light Blue chaps are based on milkmen. The Green uniform is the uniform of the Glasgow Council transport dept.

    1. Years ago I was in digs with an antiques dealer in Liverpool. He also made and repaired 'antiques'. One day an American dealer bought a consignment he had made - which he told te dealer. She insisted he was wrong and they were all genuine. That way she could charge more for them. Same principle. I believe these are Russians and Germans :)...

    2. Russians and Germans sound absolutely splendid!

  4. Quite a diverse lot, almost write the first scenarios just by listing your new units!

    1. I keep thinking of 'natural' groupings - communist people's militia, Russia sends over 'volunteers', German Fascists send over anti-communist volunteers to support British regulars...

  5. A great collection. I've been thinking of starting A VBCW. But, Scots in trews? No, I can't source tartan paint.

    1. A VBCW never entered my calculations. However, the figures fit 'my' world quite nicely. Course, a world/city/place that exists anytime between about 1910 to 1960 and could be the UK, US or both at the same time... most things fit...
