Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday 13 June 2024

25mm Scythian Horse Archers.


They look pretty good. I've put them on the base angled so they don't look as though they are shooting each other!

Back row to the front.

And a back view. It's taking longer to do these because of the patterns I'm putting on the outfits but it does look better than plain.

This is how they fit into the current army. Still a lot more to do but at least it looks like an army now.

So now on to doing those Amazon cavalry...


  1. They look great cracking, really nice colourful unit and the army is indeed taking shape nicely, quite superb.

  2. Those are fantastic! I'm going to have to steel myself when I attempt mine - I am so used to muted colours it will take a push to get me going.

    1. It's turning into one of my more colourful armies!

  3. Looking good indeed!

    Glad I didn't have any of these 40yrs ago, I'd have been sawing 1/2 of them in 1/2 and rejoining them facing this way and that.

    1. I have always found that Garrison back then missed a lot of figures that they should have produced - these are an obvious example.

  4. They didn’t take long..
    Those pens are a real blessing for all the patterns…Very affective indeed.

    All the best. Aly
