Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Friday 14 June 2024

Took 7 weeks

For Black Tree Design to deliver these...

After the time taken for the previous ones to arrive, plus the fact that they don't answer emails or anything, I decided that I would only order the minimal amount of figures from them. That meant a few Mechanoids to replace my polystyrene efforts plus a few Robomen. They finally arrived today having been ordered on the 27th April. On the 8th June I asked them if they had a delivery date - don't know whether this reminded them of the order or not, of course they didn't reply...

So at this moment in time that's it from Black Tree. No mass orders, no expansion of the Dr Who races,  none of those nice look artifacts and monsters in their fantasy range... 

Don't know how much their poor service has cost them in future (and past!) sales from me, but that's OK. 


  1. To be honest 7 weeks isn't bad for those lads. I gave up on them years ago.

    1. Like the figures and they're not available elsewhere - so only using them far less than I would like.

  2. Do you sign in to an account or order anonymously. I find that used to, or rather, seemed to make a difference. Having the two websites also causes them grief. I once ordered from one site which then shipped the goods to the other before shipping them to me. Not sure how that came about, but I think some product is made in the USA and some in the UK. So probably they should have sent the stuff direct from the two locations rather than trying to combine into a single package first.

    1. There is an American site but that isn't it. They have been giving excuses going back to 2018! Current excuse is medical issues according to their website - so why are they advertising sales? A sale is a way of getting more business, if they can't cope with what they've already got...

  3. This "company" (more likely a one-man band by the sound of it) really seems to take the award for worst possible customer service! A shame because as you say, they have some nice figures and ranges - but having read this and similar comments about them, I don't think I would ever risk ordering from them!

    1. The head office is in the US and some of the previous comments on their site suggest at least 2 or 3 people are based at the UK office. So far both my orders have arrived but both took over 6 weeks and they don't answer emails etc. No idea what their manufacturing setup is; if figures are made in the US then sent over to the UK when ordered they don't say that, nor do theysay orders will take at least 6 weeks. However, 4-6 weeks is roughly the delivery time for surface mail from the US.

  4. Seven weeks is a lot better than what might have been knowing Black Tree.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Think it's a sad reflection on a company where 7 weeks is considered an improvement!

  5. Their figures are really nice. The website really doesn't do them any favours but then you couple that with the service...

    1. One of the figures I've got are Dr Who Robomen. Got a 5 man section. If I'd had more confidence in Black Tree it would have been the 20 or so needed to give me a serious complement rather than figures just suitable for a small skirmish. Likewise, got 6 Mechanoids - should probably have bought 10-12. I will probably buy more in future - but small quantities spaced out rather than really go for what I want quickly. If I had confidence in them and knew WHEN they would be delivered (if they SAID 6-7 weeks, fine, can cope with that)... well, 2 or 3 £100 orders, one or two of which they would already have had... just don't feel I can or want to risk it. Sad.
