Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday 6 June 2024

Post office did it again.

 Same letter - surface only, unable to check the density, etc.

Except it was sent by International Economy, which is Surface...

However, this one did have an extra label:


  1. Replies
    1. Got another one back since then without the do not export note. Surface mail International economy coming back with a 'do not fly send surface mail 'sticker. What chance do you have?

    2. As the intended recipient the Royal Mail is seriously ticking me off.

    3. Fair to say that makes two of us.

  2. I've started sending overseas via EVRI. Occasional hiccups but they sort the paperwork.

    1. Haven't checked EVRI. It was suggested I try FedEx by the people who supplied the metal but their cheapest option was 3x the price!

  3. What does that stand for? Two recent parcels arrived just fine as did several from other sources. Weight seems to be a big factor - since before the pandemic there is a limit after which RM refuses to ship. I ordered a large heavy book on Tibetan Sacred Art probably 10 years ago and it weighed quite a bit. Ended up having to have it shipped by a courier service as RM couldn't/wouldn't take it. OTOH lighter packages seem to have very few issues, regardless of contents. Once I had some ebay wins that had to be split into two parcels b/c they were too heavy for RM to ship otherwise.
    For me to ship to the USA from Canada is not so much an issue except that cost goes up steeply as weight goes up. I have never reached an upper limit. Shipping within Canada is actually more expensive for small parcels as Canada Post does not have a Small Package option - everything has to be expedited and then it is just a question of how quick you want it to go, what insurance to pay for, and whether you want it signed for, with different price add-ons for each option chosen. And, of course, the "Fuel Surcharge", a fee of around a couple of bucks.
    Receiving mail there is sometimes a HST tax to pay with a $10 service charge, even if customs isn't owing. (i.e. from the USA.)

    1. All the parcels sent have been pretty much the same weight so that isn't the isue, nor was itgiven as a reason. International Economy is the surface mail option - so getting 2 of those getting sent back with 'do not fly, us surface mail' stickers on was a bit much!
